Hailey Marshall

Chicago, IL

Hailey is a recent graduate of Saint Mary’s College. Majoring in Communication Studies with a double minor in PR/Advertising and Fashion, she brings a creative edge and excitement to build relationships with both clients and media outlets alike. Outside of work, Hailey enjoys spending time with her friends and family (especially her dog Frankie), spending time on the water, going for walks, and reading. 

What TV Series do you wish you could go back and watch for the first time all over again?...

One Tree Hill.

Currently, is there any quote that inspires you?

“You spend most of your life inside your head… Make it a nice place to be.”

Would you rather be able to tell your past self one thing or ask your future self one question?

Ideally, both! BUT, I would rather tell my younger self to not stress. Everything happens for a reason and things will fall into place.

You can bring back any historical figure from the past and you have to entertain them. Who do you pick and what present-day activity do you choose to do with them?

Princess Diana. We would binge watch The Crown and Spencer.